Find The Winners of The 2024 Quality Business Awards



Quality Business Awards

Australian businesses that have won a Quality Business Award represent less than 1% of registered businesses in Australia. This is the seal of quality that a business has achieved an overall quality score of 95% or greater. If you have won a Quality Business Award, we congratulate you. Your dedication to providing a quality product and maintaining an overall fantastic customer experience is recognized.

We personally contact businesses once a year that have qualified for a business award in their field of business. While we do our best to ensure the judging is fair and accurate, we do under rare exceptions allow businesses to apply for reconsideration. If you would like to apply for reconsideration, please click here. We will have someone review your application within 5 business days.

Using our internal point scoring system, a business must have an exceptional overall quality rating to be considered for a Quality Business Award. The business must have outstanding customer reviews and reputation from more than 3 different platforms. Businesses that respond to customers questions and concerns with continued regularity will also be highly viewed upon. Businesses with exceptional records spanning over multiple years with zero to very low amount of complaints will score highly. Businesses that conduct their day to day efforts with the highest integrity and have shown a continuous trend of giving back to their local community and reducing their carbon footprint will be rewarded with a Quality Business Award. Each year we start the process from scratch and re-evaluate each business in Australia. If you feel you meet these criteria and feel you have been overlooked and would like to apply for reconsideration, please click the button below.

Step 1

Nominations are made for the upcoming year. Nominations can be made by anyone free of charge. A nomination doesn’t guarantee you will win an award. Once we have at least three nominations from three different companies from the same category in the same location we move to step two.

Step 2

We use our proprietary software with own own machine learning algorithm to check each businesses reputation on the internet. We are checking for consistency, reviews, and reputation from at least three different sources. These can be things like Google, Facebook, Yelp, industry related review sites, Trust Pilot, BBB, Scamwatch, Scam Advisor, and many more. We are looking for the ratio of positive to negative signals. If we find that the quality rating of one of these businesses exceeds 95% we then move to step three.

Step 3

The algorithm will create a report regarding the businesses and why it has deemed said business to have exceeded the 95% quality mark. A member of the team will manually check the reasoning as to why the algorithm has chosen this business. We will check both positive and negative signals. If everything checks out we will inform the business that they have won for their chosen category in their location.


We make our logo to winners for free use. You are more than welcome to use our logo for promotional materials. Nominations are free to create. Having a listing on our website is free of charge. If you don’t want to be listed on the website please let us know and we will have your business removed. Plaques and trophies are available upon payment. Choosing to decline won’t affect your website listing.


Nominations are made for the upcoming year. Nominations can be made by anyone free of charge. A nomination doesn’t guarantee you will win an award. Once we have at least three nominations from three different companies from the same category in the same location we move to step two.


We use our proprietary software with own own machine learning algorithm to check each businesses reputation on the internet. We are checking for consistency, reviews, and reputation from at least three different sources. These can be things like Google, Facebook, Yelp, industry related review sites, Trust Pilot, BBB, Scamwatch, Scam Advisor, and many more. We are looking for the ratio of positive to negative signals. If we find that the quality rating of one of these businesses exceeds 95% we then move to step three.


The algorithm will create a report regarding the businesses and why it has deemed said business to have exceeded the 95% quality mark. A member of the team will manually check the reasoning as to why the algorithm has chosen this business. We will check both positive and negative signals. If everything checks out we will inform the business that they have won for their chosen category in their location.


We make our logo to winners for free use. You are more than welcome to use our logo for promotional materials. Nominations are free to create. Having a listing on our website is free of charge. If you don’t want to be listed on the website please let us know and we will have your business removed. Plaques and trophies are available upon payment. Choosing to decline won’t affect your website listing.


Daniel Peterson

Panel Member

Antoni Hagedoorn

Panel Member

Jennifer Lohman

Panel Member

Erwin Suárez

Panel Member